Saturday, May 26, 2007

not everything is so serious

Last night I was talking to a reader on IM, and I realized that my "blog personality" is a lot more serious than my "real personality." I definitely have opinions on serious things, and the blog is sort of an outlet for that, but at the same time, I keep reading and thinking apart from the substance, this person doesn't sound much like my image of myself (though I think in comments I can be a little more laid back). Not sure how I can inject my more fun actual personality into this virtual person I have created, or even really if I should. In fact, I'm not even sure why I bring it up except to think out loud.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you should. Unless it really isn't possible to be gay, Republican and at least a bit laid back all at the same time, a proposition I am not at all entirely certain of.

Otherwise you run the risk of being labeled "Andrew Sullivan Light".

I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Anonymous said...


Obviously, you need more alcohol induced posts. That should increase the amount of "real you" moments around here. We've all heard of the three martini lunch -- you need to popularize the concept of the three martini blog post. Not that you like martinis...

Anonymous said...

Wow! young gay conservatives do exist. I am so relieved I found another person of my ilk/leanings. I just found your blog and I really like it. Hope to get to know you better. :)