Thursday, June 7, 2007


Today I am having lunch with another attorney who is openly gay. I met her and her partner last week at a firm event, and we scheduled this lunch to discuss her experiences with the firm (at the event she indicated they were positive). G., the attorney I am lunching with, is quite friendly and clearly the lipstick--not that that really matters, except that I often find myself unable to make conversation with the more masculine lesbians ("No, I don't follow football; did you see Wicked?" "No, I didn't see Wicked, but I am building a new deck." "I bought a new shirt." [Silence]). Anyway, lesbians of all types are people who do go through similar struggles as I do, and they deserve respect, but I am not the only one who feels a little awkward.

Nonetheless, I am looking forward to our lunch today.

PS: I have already had my very first actual gay date (as opposed to drunken hook-up)!!! I shall post about it this weekend.


Creative Thinker said...

Good luck on the date...can't wait to hear how it goes...

Michael-in-Norfolk said...


I am happy to hear of your progress and the apparent reception of LGBT individuals by your firm. Good luck on the date.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear there is at least one more progressive thinking company out there.

Good luck with the date... and have fun!

Pink Elephant said...

thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Aww! I expect a post mortem!